
Together, tiny drops of knowledge can make a wave of impact!

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Our mission

Wavemakers United inspires youth worldwide to work in a positive way on finding solutions to realize the climate goals. We use water, education and sport as a connection.

We do this by giving the community for youth, educational institutions, government and business an international stage and we work from local to global to local.

Wavemakers United has a unique and sustainable approach of connecting existing innovations and sollutions around the world.

kiran badloe medal

Our method

“We treat sustainability as top sport.”

Wavemakers United treats sustainability as topsport. We treat the Climate Goals of Paris 2030 as the Olympic games: just like the athletes, we set realistic deadlines and goals to make this goal of achievement by 2030.   

Top sport teaches us that when rewards are given and medals can be won, people are more willing to get into action. That’s why we inspire youth worldwide to work in a positive and sportive way on the solutions to realise the climate goals. We do this together with youth, young professionals and athletes all around the world.  

Become Wavemaker

Become Partner

We are Growing!

Our wave is growing with every drop. We are thankfull for all support that made this movement possible!

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