Get involved as ambassador

Our Impact

As ambassador you will help to promote the challenge to reach as many youngsters as possible. With your local  connections you can play an important role in the success of this global challenge!

The role description in short: 

  • Become an official spokesperson of the challenge.  
  • As a youth ambassador of the  Gamechanger Challenge you will actively share the challenge on social media and within your network in your own language. 
  • Be an example to the participating teams by sharing tips on teamwork, youth engagement and how to have sustainable impact at a young age.  
  • Be present at local and/or international events.   
  • Receive an official certificate!

Why you should join

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Participant Information

Full Name
How would you like to get involved?
Do you want to sign up for an information session in January/February (date tbd)?

Agreement and Consent

Declaration of Consent