Our community manager will provide you with login details. Please log in and enroll for the course. After completion you will officially become a Wavemaker!
Log in credentials
Our community manager will welcome you and provide your login credentials. You can use this to log in and enroll for the Wavemaker academy.
Finish the Wavemaker course
Our Wavemaker course will provide you with the required knowledge for our projects. It will also increase your environmental awareness. Finish this as soon as you can!
Certificate, official Wavemaker
Upon completion, you will be registered oficially as a wavemaker. You will also receive a certificate for this course. Now you are ready to create waves with us!
In the meantime
The Challenge
Take a look at our challenge website. Students all around the world are joining this challenge to create a bigger sustainable impact!
News Updates
Have a look at our news updates. We are posting updates about the events, projects and achievements Wavemakers make all around the world