UN Water conference, New York, USA

Wavemakers in New York!

Wavemakers United will take part in several events during the New York Water Week, the week prior the UN Water Conference and during! 

More information and last updates will be shared on our trello page!


We as individuals, have a huge role to play to create a more sustainable world as it relates to water. Concrete action and change behavior are needed.

Show your commitment on water and join!

Mayors make movies

Wavemakers United is honored to contribute and visit the Let’s Talk About Water event. We will show a short video about how the UN2023 Gamechanger Challenge has made local impact towards the UN Water Conference. Furthermore, we’ll offer a short insight into the activities of Wavemakers beyond New York! 


Find more information about registration here: https://nywaterweek.com/events/mayors-makes-movies-and-lets-talk-about-waters-celebration-in-honor-of-the-un-decade-on-water-new-york-water-week/

1 Million Action Postcard Exhibition

At the Water House the University of Balamand, Lebanon, will exhibit their 1 Million Action Postcard (1MAP) initiative in collaboration with Wavemakers United.

Join the exhibition and contribute your wish or commitment for water action at the Water House between the 20th and 24th of March. 

Location: Netherlands Water House, 666 Third Avenue, 21st Floor


Youth & Education Event

The Future is Now!
Intergenerational Changemakers on Water

We should empower those who can empower others. Thinking critically, becoming curious, and truly understanding the magnitude of the global water challenges is fundamental. All this calls for a more profound education and involvement of young people globally.

More than 200 teams from all over the world participate in the Gamechanger Challenge 2023. After passing through two rounds of evaluation by the Youth- and Expert Jury, 5 finalists will present their final pitch in New York City.

It is no longer possible to register for this event as it is fully booked.

Water Innovation & Business:
Field Trips

Our Wavemakers will join the Water Innovation & Business Field Trips to the NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. Together with other youth representatives, experts and attendees we will find innovative solutions to relevant climate and water challenges that New York is facing.

The event is closed to the public, registration is no longer possible. 

30/30/30-target Event

This event is organized by four young professionals from the Dutch drinking water sector and concerns the 30-30-30 youth target. This target was developed by youth, for the youth and was first presented during the Dushanbe Water Process in Tajikistan. Since then, the target has been supported by different high-levels because they recognize the need for more youth participation in our sector. In order to keep momentum we decided to organize an event that makes this target more tangible and also provides handles to the audience on how they can incorporate more youth in their organization.

Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOh7ajrEm8NkgqSoAJVjdzTsEk11BsJYgPvCRmxkmcbt2IEQ/viewform


Education Exchange Event

Perspectives and experiences on water from local residents, advocates, and experts need to be shared. Many ideas need to be cross-pollinated. To grow in a healthy way, projects need oxygen, nutrients, and sunlight!  In this educational exchange program we will talk in small groups and share how topics and issues related to water have impacted your lives, your educational experiences, as well as your plans and ambitions for the future.

This event is organized by the Dutch Consulate General in New York. Participants are the UA New York Harbor School, Wavemakers United, Wetskills, Notre Dame, The Hudson School and Pratt Institute.

This is a closed session – insights will be shared on our social media outlets. 

Youth Led Innovation Booth at the UN HQ!

On March 23 between 08.30 am and 5:00 pm we cordially invite you to visit our booth at the Innovation Pavilion at the UN Headquarters. In collaboration with Generation Unlimited, United Nations Children’s Fund, we will demonstrate the game changing innovations of our community that help understand, value, and manage water and accelerate the change needed to reach SDG 6 and other water related goals.

We showcase the impact of youth led innovation in local communities, where water is key towards a climate resilient future. What can we learn from their approach and their positive mindset? Join us and learn why youth can play a significant role in water-related innovation processes.

Let’s make a difference together! Show your support and join the Wave. Acces only possible when you are accredited to attend the Water Conference.

Special Event 4: Water Leadership - Uniting for a Sustainable World

Special Event on Water Leadership: Uniting for a Sustainable World will focus on developing mechanisms and opportunities to ensure that the voices of youth, women, local authorities, Indigenous Peoples, and discriminated and marginalized communities, are appropriately reflected and integrated into all aspects of water leadership at the local, regional and global levels. All people are impacted by, and impact on, our planet. Thus, all people must have a role in contributing to a sustainable future. During this event we will debate on relevant topics, discuss progress made on the Water Action Agenda, and connect with non-traditional water leaders. 

Join Wavemakers United and all other organizing partners Friday 24th of March from 10am onwards in Conference Room 2 at the UN Head Quarters.

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Wavemakers at the UN Water Conference!

Wavemakers United will take part in several events during the New York Water Week, the week prior the UN Water Conference and during! Furthermore, Wavemakers will (co-)organize multiple side-events to the UN Water Conference focused on youth-led innovation and the importance of intergenerational collaboration.

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