Wavemakers United joined the Water Action Agenda Symposium organized by IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and the Government of the Netherlands to drive progress in the implementation of the commitments from the Water Action agenda.
Manager of Education and Wave manager Muhammet Bilgic presented how the Wave structure leverages local approach and youth capacity to analyse and find commitments which are applicable for the Wave and define youth as stakeholders or partners.
We hosted a breakout session about how to involve youth in the WAA and the role youth can play.
After some intense discussions we came to some interesting conclusions which we are happy to share:
– The WAA should be focused on campaigning as youth is unaware.
– WAA should not be seen as a formal structure but more as a tool to excite actions.
– Young professionals are willing to be engaged but infrastructure and support is needed (preferably centralized)
– Youth can learn a lot from the elder, but intergenerational collaborations is a key .
We thank IHE Delft Institute for Water Education for the stage and many thanks to the everyone involved!