22 August marks an exciting milestone as we proudly revealed the next Game Changer Challenge, presented by Wavemakers United and the esteemed IHE Delft Institute for Water Education at World Water week in Stockholm!  A big thank you goes out to our incredible champions who ignited the spark for the Game Changer Challenge Henk Ovink (Former Special NL Water Envoy, Meike van Oenen, (Special NL Envoy for Water, Eddy Moors (IHE Delft) and Tilly Stroo (Founder).
Get ready for an international challenge open to students aged 17 and above, from every educational background! We’re rallying young minds from around the world to tackle pressing global water challenges, securing a resilient and sustainable tomorrow for everyone.
(The official opening for registration as participant can be expected be the end of this year. )
Are you not a student or like to participate in a different way? Â Check out the role ambassador, coach or jury member.
Highlights World Water Week
Besides the official announcement of the new Gamechanger Challenge the World Water Week was a great success. Right after the announcement we organized our first World Café and during the brainstorm sessions we shaped a vivid blueprint for the new Gamechanger Challenge.
The panel discussion on “Youth Engagement in Global Water Processes: Building an Influential Movement” was a dynamic exchange of insights. A highlight was the discussion around mobilizing youth organizations and defining the key messages that will propel their collective action. Addressing the role of youth in implementing and monitoring the Water Action Agenda was a central point of conversation.
Last but not least we organized an interactive workshop led by Henk Ovink and Prof. Dr. Eddy Moors,  which was a great success. Together, we delved into innovative strategies, igniting our passion for the water action agenda and embracing the challenge of the next generation gamechangers.
For a full impression check out the Aftermovie here!